Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Matter of Class

When my mistress uncovered me in our nice warm bed at the crack of dawn today, I was not a happy canine camper. In fact, as soon as she carried me to the kitchen and put on my halter I tried to run back to bed. Being fifteen times my size, she naturally prevailed and soon we were on our way to another Wednesday Walkie Talkie adventure.

This time there were only three walkers, who decided to “do” the Mahncke Park neighborhood, a five-minute drive away. Starting from the San Antonio Botanical Garden parking lot, we moved up and down streets of charming bungalows, many with snappy, sustainable landscapes.

One especially quirky house had a Moroccan style open-air gazebo on the flat roof, furnished for entertaining. Called La Mirage, it is owned by a flamboyant hair stylist named Karlos. Another house had a skinny Dr. Seuss-like two-story screen porch perched in front. Then there was the run-down place with a sign on the front door announcing “Beware of dog.” All we saw there was a bunch of cats lounging around the entrance, which is fine by me as I’ve never cared for guard dogs. (As far as I’m concerned, it’s a matter of class--they all lack good manners.)

One more thing: word comes from Austin that another of Maverick’s chickens is about to start laying. His champion layer produces almost every day. Now a second of his red hens is starting to crouch, which is a sign they she is about to lay. I can’t wait to see them when we go to Austin for the Texas Book Festival. This time I’ll have the class to leave them be.

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