Monday, February 20, 2012

Calorie Conundrum

They say the third time’s the charm. For the last two Mondays, bad weather has prevented the Brackenridge Belles and Bitches from doing their thing. Not today. Six ladies and two dogs clocked 2.48 miles, burning off some 168 calories each.

According to Belle Mary Lil Chappell’s pedometer, that totals more than 6,000 steps per person. Now I’m not a math whiz, but I figure since Chica and I are at least eight times shorter, that would make nearly 50,000 steps for us dogs. And that’s not taking into account that we have twice as many legs. Problem is I don’t know whether to divide or multiply by two to come with the correct number of steps for us. Any ideas?

We started our hour-plus walk at the home of Brackenridge Belle Sally Buchanan, whose home is more or less surrounded by the Park. After showing us her striking Turkish-tiled bath and kitchen, she led us across the BP golf course to the entrance of the massive underground tunnel that carries water under the city to prevent downtown flooding.

On the way back we walked along the Catalpa-Pershing ditch, passing the back of what was Butter Krust Bakery, soon to be the new headquarters of C. H. Guenther and Sons. There were enough construction workers renovating it to warrant a mobile food truck.

Sadly, the ladies didn’t patronize the traveling food truck so we didn’t get any leftovers. But looking on the bright side, given our size relative to the ladies, we must have burned more than 1,344 calories apiece. Or is it 2,688? Any ideas?

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