Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Dog Days of Summer Drama

With hot days on the horizon, five Brackenridge Belles met Monday for their last walk of the season. Fortuitously it was fairly cool but ever since, temperatures have approached three figures in the afternoons.

My master came to get us dogs after our walk in the park so my mistress could run up to our place in the country. Why? The story begins there Sunday morning when Mary awoke around 6:30 to what she thought was the sound of a male voice outside, followed by what sounded like a car peeling out. Turned out it was HER car.

Looks like the perp rammed it into a tree a ways down the road. After two Bandera County sheriff's deputies, a highway patrolman and a wrecker did their things, Mary and Lewis left for home in son Maverick’s car.

While Chica and I hated to miss seeing riots of wildflowers along the road to Tarpley again, we were happy to be at home in bed while Lewis organized the storeroom. With the dog days of summer upon us, sleeping is our preferred pastime.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

From Tibet to Tarpley

Tibet. Tibet. Tibet. That’s all I’ve heard my master and mistress talk about for more than a week. Bad enough that they left me and Chica for another of their faraway trips but even worse is having to hear about it as nauseam after they get back. They have talked about prayer wheels, yak butter, bodhasattvas (new word for us dogs), yaks and who know what other outlandish things.

At least this time they didn’t leave us in cages at the vet for two weeks. Instead we stayed in the home of our housekeeper, Nina. Never had time to get lonesome there as four women clucked over us in Spanish day and night. Really we hated to leave the place, especially as we were about to learn the lingo.

This weekend we got a break from both Spanish and Tibet talk when we went to our country place in Tarpley for the first time in six weeks. There the conversation centered around rainfall (some but not enough) wildflowers (lots) and a couple of amazing insects around the house. First there was a gigantic walking stick. Then there was a huge green caterpillar with multicolored projections.

Thank goodness there were no scorpions this trip but my mistress did find a very large tick with a white spot in its underside on her scalp, which freaked her out. Well how did she think I felt when she found one in my ear a few days ago?